I just finished watching “Inglorious Basterds“. Yes, I waited for the DVD to watch it, I am ashamed of myself, so sue me!
In brief, Basterds is a mass of brilliant talents that is crackling with creative energy and a delicious taste of pulp culture and Spaghetti westerns movie making.
Brad Pitt is still occupying the King of Cool throne. And at this point I don’t think he should get an Oscar nod, because he does not need it anymore. He is above it. If there would be any prizes to be given for excellent performances, they should go to Diane Kruger, and to the perfect Christoph Waltz. Diane gave the performance of a lifetime taking herself from the pretty face roles in adventure movies into the solid performance and serious acting in any role. Christoph is out of ordinary, excelling at every moment he is on the screen grabbing more attention than all of his fellow actors in this project.
The movie is a Quintin Tarantino movie, so do not turn blue trying to criticize the unorthodox way this film was done. From the brilliant writing, to the catchy phrases, to the choice of music, to giving every single shot its time breathing to astonish the viewer, to the shooting angles. Making it the coolest movie of 2009.